Kuji Kiri Level 1 Online Course

Kuji Kiri Level 1 is the perfect tool for you to come into harmony with yourself and the environment. It combines the traditional practices and meditations of Esoteric Buddhism, magical Daoism, and Japanese shamanism to create a powerful path of spiritual enlightenment. 🧘‍♀️

Experience the power of ninja magic and unlock the hidden potential within. The ancient shamans, mountain magicians, and monks of Japan understood the power of these techniques and now you can too! Practice Kuji Kiri Level 1 and enhance your martial arts skills as well as gain supernatural powers such as invisibility, telepathy, and telekinesis. 🧙‍♂️

Take the first step on the path of enlightenment with Kuji Kiri Level 1 and experience the power of ninja magic for yourself. Transform your life and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your environment. Motivate yourself to become a better version of yourself and unlock the power of your subconscious. Start your journey today and unlock a world full of possibilities!

Unlock the power of 🔮 Kuji Kiri Level 1 🔮, the ancient Buddhist secret teachings, and take your spiritual and psychic journey to the next level.

When I was a teenager, I encountered something that touched me deeply and I felt that there must be some truth to it. Despite the ridicule I faced, I decided to embark on a decades-long quest to uncover the truth. Through pilgrimages to Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, and my research, I found my way to Kuji Kiri.

Kuji Kiri Level 1 offers an incredible bundle of benefits that will help you cleanse body, mind, and soul from karmic entanglements, build up strong energetic protection against external influences, and provide you with a safe space to train and advance your spiritual and psychic abilities. 🤩

Take the first step to becoming the best version of yourself with Kuji Kiri Level 1. 🚀

Course plan

Meditation Secrets
Training the Siddham
Gachirinkan - Moon Disc Meditation
Ajikan - Sunbuddha Kontemplation
Humjikan - Anger Purification Meditation
Goshinbo - Protective Meditation